2022 - Ariya Virtual Display V2.0

InstallationInteractiveTransparent Display

ARIYA Virtual Display 2.0

Installation / Interactive / Transparent Display


Needs and Goals

While version 1.0 was well received, the client did agree that Kinect was a difficult way for people to interact with and stay engaged with the installation (while it might have been most appropriate for the pandemic period). As a result, an overhaul of all the contents was done with the below changes

  1. Update all visuals with a gradient type imagery, that looks more modern than then simple wireframe
  2. Update the interaction system with a remote that simply needed to be pointed at the screen.
  3. Update the mini-games to be full-screen and one-player, but optimize them for the new controller

As for the controller that was updated, a simple mouse-remote was inserted and designed like a ‘torch’ or a ‘light saber’, including flashing lights to invite guests to put it into their hands, while also connecting it to the overall design concept.


Design and Challenges

Instead of challenges, this updated version dealt with many of the original issues and was actually a rather easy build. None of the from zero type problems of how to construct the display or system needed to be revisited, only the content and interaction system needed to be updated. Like in my original suggestion, the whole screen being used for the same content shows the content in a more satisfying, beautiful way, and the simplified interaction increased engagement overall. The overhauled contents with one addition are


A. Spray Paint the ARIYA in the other available colors.


B. Search updated car parts in an X-Ray style search game.


C. Complete a puzzle of the car interior


D. ‘Shoot’ at all the sensors on the car as fast as possible


The simple pleasure of moving the cursor and enjoying the simple effects, had even the development team play constantly, and the attractive look of the newly installed controller made the first step to start engaging with the installation a lot easier.