Remote Parking Labyrinth
Interactive / Installation / Construction
Needs & Goals
The client wished to illustrate the benefits of remote parking in an experiential way. The main problem laid with the two facts that the benefit of remote parking is usually only experienced in small spaces, where it is hard to get in or out of the car in its parked state, as well as the fact that remote parking should be demonstrated as literally as possible, short of building a model car.
While many iterations of other more abstract ideas about conveying other features of the Nissan Intelligent Mobility allow for more creative expressions, the client insisted on focusing on remote parking.
Design & Challenges
By referencing many puzzle, agility and race games, we could agree on a parking game that is essentially a puzzle. Especially the reality that remote parking does not park on its own but simply moves the car forward and backward, we tried to aim the project towards a puzzle game where timing is of essence.
Over time, it became clear that the client wanted to have an even more literal translation of the function, and simply wanted to appeal that the car can ‘fit into tight spaces’.
Further extending the parts and services we had already prepared at a tight budget of 5 mil yen, we continued to design a labyrinth that was optically appealing, but only the main cube, symbolizing the car moved.
The main cube was controlled by a two wheeled line tracer robot, electric drill batteries and a multi color LED sphere for different modes.
While unfortunately far from the fun game experience originally designed, the product was affordable, explained the technology literally, and had an appealing and intriguing design that drew attention from the passing crowds.